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More Positive Together closes after making a Great impact

POSTED: 19/02/2024

MPT Steps final mentor event


The More Positive Together (MPT) and MPT Steps programmes closed at the end of 2023 after six years helping people across the county – and Great Places were a major player.

The projects were aimed at enhancing the skills and employment prospects of residents in some of Lancashire’s most deprived areas. The programme was delivered by one to one mentorship support to engage, motivate and help progress participants to make positive steps in their lives. The support centred around confidence building, employability, financial advice, Mental health & well being initiatives to name a few.

MPT focused on assisting individuals furthest from the job market, while MPT Steps aimed to support those whose employment opportunities were affected by the pandemic and helped to boost the skills and confidence of over 9,500 people since 2017 and collectively assisting 1,743 into employment.

Great places MPT team supported 368 people on a 1-2-1 basis of those 197 of them where unemployed and 171 were inactive (not claiming any benefits, not required to look for work); 123 people went into employment and 120 went into education.

Great Places also supported over 60 families with childcare support which is a huge barrier to getting back into employment. This is all amazing work as many of the customers hadn’t worked or done any education for very many years. Through a variety of engagement events, face to face and wrap around holistic support the team were able to make a real difference.

With STEPS, Great places signed up over 228 participants – of which 170 were unemployed and 58 were inactive. We successfully helped 126 of these participants into employment and 58 of the individuals we supported were single parent households. 52 were supported in removing the barrier of childcare which shows a huge need for this support and allows families to increase their financial stability and move into the world of work!

Among some of the fantastic partnerships that have been created over the last couple of years, below are the highlights from the team’s success:

Both projects were funded from the European Social Fund (ESF) growth programme. Originally launched in 2017 with a planned conclusion in 2020, the success of More Positive Together led to its extension until 2023. MPT Steps followed suit, commencing in January 2022.

Rosie Longden, Head of Community Investment, said:

The MPT scheme has done so much good for so many people across Lancashire and we are so proud of what we have been able to achieve.

We have worked collaboratively with organisations across the county to ensure we help people who needed it most and the help them to realise their potential.

It will leave a lasting legacy across Lancashire and we take pride in what has been achieved.

Managed by the charity Active Lancashire, the projects brought together a coalition of 30 partners from various sectors, including housing associations, local authorities and other third-sector organisations. Operating in smaller, localized groups covering Pendle, Central Lancashire, West Lancashire, and Coastal areas, these partners provided practical assistance and mentoring support to project participants.

